1. transit assistance at the border with Korea and other ports


In October 2021, the logistics industry faced great challenges, with many organizations having shipments standing for months in ports at customs. https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2021/10/05/889842-pereboi-koree

The deadlines were shifting due to the collapse, and there was no understanding – how and when the shipments would be delivered.

It was during this period that SPIKO managers received the maximum number of requests for transit assistance at the Korean border. There are thousands of containers piled up there at this point waiting to be shipped.

Since SPIKO has a precisely integrated logistics system with different modes of transport and contacts in all key ports, it is possible to resolve the transportation of goods in 6-14 days instead of waiting for a month.

The experienced team has developed customized delivery solutions without time and financial losses regardless of external circumstances. Containers were moved from the port and delivered by other modes of transportation – road and rail.

That’s how we’ve been able to help dozens of customers get their loads out and delivered to their points of sale.

2. Export of foreign goods


The introduction of a ban on direct deliveries of a number of foreign goods to Russia has become a “pain” for entrepreneurs who already have contractual relations for these deliveries.

SPIKO helped to form a multimodal route with delivery of goods through other countries, customs re-registration and delivery to the customer’s warehouse in Russia. In this way, major losses were avoided and the necessary goods were obtained.

29 May 2023

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